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oneday schedule arrangement app design 

Yu Qin, Yuanhang Sun, Ming Zhang, Guo Chen

Photoshop / Pixate / Framer

UX Designer



△ Problem Statement

Teachers and students in college need to spend a lot of time having meetings for group projects or researches or works. However, we found that  there are two things that negatively affect their meeting experience: 

  • Initiate a meeting: it is time-consuming for them to agree on a time to meet together. 

  • Meeting process: no clear meeting goals and to-do lists entail meaningless discussion and less progress, which wastes time. 


△ Target Users

Teachers and students in college.

△ Design Goals

Easy to arrange their schedule.

Easy to gain consensus on meeting time.

Make meeting goals and topic clear to every meeting attendants.


Design Strategies

“How can I use design to satisfy the needs of users?”


Based on the understanding of the target users and their current problems, we listed out three design requirements:

  • Requirement 1: Easy to arrange their schedule

  • Requirement 2: Easy to gain consensus on meeting time

  • Requirement 3: Make meeting goals and topic clear to every meeting attendants. ​​


① Easy to arrange their schedule
| Import class schedule automatically from the school system
| View the schedule in three different calendar mode ( Day, Month and Year)

② Gain consensus on meeting time

| Automatically match free time between team members 
| Simplify the meeting agreement process

③ Make meeting goals clear to every meeting attendant.

| Create meetings with a clear description of goal and to-do lists
| Support online meeting - automatically take notes 

Information Architecture

The foundation for any interaction or interface design decisions.



I divided the architecture of this app into two three sections: schedule, projects and personal info. 


Task Analysis

“What target users possibly expect to do on our app?”


Basic Tasks are determined based on the information architecture of the product. 
| Personal Schedule Management: Create, update, view, and delete your events
| Project Management: Create, update, view, and delete projects/groups

| Meeting Management: Create, update, view, and delete meetings

| Personal Info Management: Create, update, view, and delete Personal Info


Output - Pages Diagram
This app includes two top-level sections: Schedule and Project. Here is the page flow.

page flow.png


Paper Prototype

Paper prototype helped me cross the gap between the abstract feature descriptions

to concrete interaction logic in a visual way. 


According to the tasks analysis, we first mapped out the user flows for the key features and sketched screens on paper to discuss the feasibility and opportunity of each idea. 


屏幕快照 2019-01-05 下午2.06.56.png


Visual description of interaction design for better team communication


After testing the paper prototypes, we generated our first version of app flows with a high fidelity Wireframes, which provided an opportunity to do another round of evaluative testing.




Visual description of interaction design for better team communication


After testing the paper prototypes, we generated our first version of app flows with a high fidelity Wireframes, which provided an opportunity to do another round of evaluative testing.


Digital Prototype

The high-fidelity prototype is a great tool to test user interface styles.


Tool: Photoshop, Pixate



UI Design

Aesthetic and Functional 




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